Fractional Law®
Fracciona Law: Tu socio legal mensual. Accede a servicios legales de calidad con nuestra suscripción. Soluciones a medida para individuos y negocios. Simplifica tus asuntos legales.
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Fractional Law

Fractional Law®

Frictionless legal team at your service on every stage of the business, only with a Methodology “legal Plug-in


¿What is a subscription legal service?

It is an innovative solution that offers the possibility of having a legal department that provides specialized preventive legal advice for growing companies that need it and that do not have an internal department; Owners often spend time on tasks that distract them from what is important in their businesses and that they can delegate to experts.

It is designed based on the stage and needs of the company, at a fraction of the cost of the time invested or having your own structure. By hiring our Fractional Law service, you will become a member of our community, which will allow you to enjoy exclusive benefits, such as access to a network of local and international professionals for your legal consultations, special rates for economies of scale with notaries, the possibility of standardizing your legal processes, personalized legal assistance and a wide range of tools to substantially resolve your company’s legal challenges.


Complete access: With your monthly subscription, you will have access to our experienced attorneys. You will be able to make inquiries and obtain timely answers to your legal questions when you need them, knowing that you have someone you trust who knows your business and is interested in protecting you from legal risks before they happen.

Certainty in costs: Hiring a legal monthly subscription service can be cheaper compared to the fees charged per hour. Our goal is to ensure that our clients receive legal advice appropriate to the stage of their business and without fee surprises and without friction.

Security and peace of mind: With our team of highly qualified lawyers, you can be sure that your business’s legal projects will be handled professionally, we capitalize on the experience of getting to know your business in depth and treat it as if it were our own.

Flexibility and Cancellation:We value our customers and understand that their needs may change. For this reason, we offer you flexibility in our subscription and the option to cancel at any time without penalties, with prior notice according to the contract.

How does it work?

Request more information now and discover how our monthly legal subscription service can give you the confidence and legal protection you need. Resolve your legal problems efficiently and receive expert advice without worrying about additional costs.

We are committed to providing you with the best legal experience with our monthly subscription service. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to answer any questions you may have.


24% savings
Goal: Standardize

Business start
Legal foundations

  • Legal advice
  • Preparation and review of basic legal documents
  • Brand registration (1 per year)
  • Initial legal audit
  • Personalized work plan
  • Assemblies and powers
  • Notary services

5 to 10 employees

Better option


34% savings
Goal: Systematize

Legal strategy to grow

  • Launch Services
  • Preparation and review of general legal contracts for business
  • Account Manager
  • Negotiation with suppliers
  • Corporate secretarial administration
  • Legal Department Administration (Limited)
  • Participation in councils
  • Participation in assemblies
  • Legal Alerts
  • Trademark registrations (unlimited)
  • Copyright protection (unlimited)
  • AAudit and sale of real estate

11 to 50 employees


38% savings
Goal: Institutionalize

Management decisions with legal impact

  • Launch and Growth Services
  • Preparation and negotiation of specialized contracts
  • Capitalizations
  • Mergers and spin-offs (1 per year)
  • Due diligence for M&A (1 per year)
  • Trusts
  • Legal department administration (policies and procedures)
  • Members of the board of directors
  • Board of Directors Alignment
  • Shareholder alignment
  • Property management

51 to 150 employees


44% savings
Goal: Consolidate and internationalize

Management team than consolidates business

  • Launch, Growth, and Scale Services
  • General negotiation
  • Mergers and spin-offs (unlimited)
  • Due Diligence for M&A (unlimited)
  • Legal Department Administration (Unlimited)
  • Support in tenders
  • Trusts (unlimited)
  • Litigation management
  • Corporate governance

150+ employees


24% de ahorro
Meta: Estandarizar

Inicio de negocio
Fundamentos legales

  • Asesoría legal
  • Elaboración y revisión de documentos legales básicos
  • Registro de marca (1 al año)
  • Auditoría legal inicial
  • Plan de trabajo personalizado
  • Asambleas y poderes
  • Servicios notariales

De 5 a 10 empleados

Mejor opción


34% de ahorro
Meta: Sistematizar

Estrategia legal para crecer

  • Servicios Launch
  • Elaboración y revisión de contratos legales generales para negocio
  • Account Manager
  • Negociación con proveedores
  • Administración de secretaría corporativa
  • Administración de departamento legal (limitado)
  • Participación en consejos
  • Participación en asambleas
  • Alertas Legales
  • Regisros de marcas (ilimitado)
  • Protección de derechos de autor (ilimitado)
  • Auditoría y compraventa de inmuebles

De 11 a 50 empleados


38% de ahorro
Meta: Institucionalizar

Decisiones de la dirección con impacto legal

  • Servicios Launch y Growth
  • Elaboración y negociación de contratos especializados
  • Capitalizaciones
  • Fusiones y escisiones (1 al año)
  • Due dilligence para M&A (1 al año)
  • Fideicomisos
  • Administración del depto legal (políticas y procedimientos)
  • Miembros del consejo de administación
  • Alineación del consejo de administración
  • Alineación de accionistas
  • Administración de inmuebles

De 51 a 150 empleados


44% de ahorro
Meta: Consolidar e internacionalizar

Equipo directivo que consolida negocio

  • Servicios Launch, Growth, y Scale
  • Negociación en general
  • Fusiones y escisiones (ilimitado)
  • Due Diligence para M&A (ilimitado)
  • Administración del departamento legal (ilimitado)
  • Soporte en licitaciones
  • Fideicomisos (ilimitados)
  • Dirección de litigios
  • Gobierno corporativo

+ de 150 empleados

Legal advice

Frictionless and easy to use


Make it easier for you and your team to get legal advice from a team of experts with the legal knowledge to help your business grow.


Facilita a ti y a tu equipo la asesoría legal de un equipo de expertos con conocimiento legal para ayudarte a crecer en tu negocio.

¡Rowing together®!

If you have any questions, contact us and we will gladly help you resolve any inquiry.



