Notice of Privacy
Nuestro Aviso de Privacidad. Tu información es valiosa y está segura con nosotros. Descubre cómo protegemos tus datos y respetamos tu privacidad en Starboard
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Notice of Privacy

Bardawil Consultores, S.C. (STARBOARD®), a company with a registered office at Avenida Lázaro Cárdenas No. 329-5B, Colonia Residencial San Agustín, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, C.P. 66260, provides this Privacy Notice to inform you of the manner in which your personal data will be collected and processed when using our services or our website.

STARBOARD® is responsible for processing the Personal Data you, as a user of our professional services (“You”), provide and is committed to safeguarding it by establishing and maintaining internal security measures to protect it against any kind of damage, loss, alteration, destruction, or unauthorized use, access, or processing.

To fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, the personal data that may be collected, as applicable, include identification data such as name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, immigration status, address, profession, marital status, unique population registry code (CURP), federal taxpayer registry (RFC), as well as contact data such as telephone and/or email.

This information will be used to create a database that will remain in effect as long as STARBOARD® exists, for the following purposes: (i) provision of our services, (ii) carrying out activities related to the operation and development of our practice, (iii) sending information, legal journals, and news or topics that STARBOARD® considers may be of interest to you, as well as news, communications, or advertising from STARBOARD®; (iv) sending invitations to conferences, seminars, and cultural or social events in which STARBOARD® participates; (v) sending communications and invitations to participate in STARBOARD® projects or in projects that STARBOARD®, at its discretion, considers may be of interest to you; (vi) sending notifications regarding changes to this Privacy Notice or any other communication between STARBOARD® and You.

STARBOARD® may transfer your personal data to third parties, such as suppliers, collaborators, interns, associates, or partners of STARBOARD®, to provide the services we offer to You. Therefore, if you do not express your refusal and accept this Privacy Notice, we will understand that you have expressly authorized us to transfer your personal data to such third parties, whether national or foreign.

When STARBOARD® intends to transfer personal data to third parties, it will inform them of the content of this Privacy Notice and the purposes for which the data subject consented to its processing. The information provided by STARBOARD® will always be used by third parties in accordance with this Privacy Notice, assuming the same obligations as responsible parties under the terms of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”).

We reiterate that personal data is handled with absolute confidentiality, and all processing, such as use, disclosure, and storage, is required to fulfill the purposes already described.

STARBOARD® understands the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially in an online environment. In particular, our website is not intentionally designed for or directed to children under the age of 13. Our policy is not to collect or maintain information about anyone under 13 years old, except as part of a contract to provide our professional services.

If you need to access the personal data that STARBOARD® holds to correct, rectify, cancel, or if you wish to oppose, limit its use and disclosure, or exercise any other right conferred by the Law or any other applicable legislation or regulation, you can contact us at (81) 17391477 or send a request written in Spanish to the email, mentioning the following information: I. your name, address, or email; II. a copy of your voter ID, passport, driver’s license, professional license, or any other document that proves your identity; III. a clear and precise description of the personal data you wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights over; and IV. any other element or document that facilitates locating such personal data.

STARBOARD® reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, which will be notified through an announcement on its website or by an email sent to the contact address you provide.

If STARBOARD® makes modifications that result in processing the data for a purpose other than those compatible or analogous to the purposes established in this Privacy Notice, your consent will be required again, and you will have the right to cancel your personal data or limit its use and disclosure.

This Privacy Notice is governed by the Law and other laws and regulations of the United Mexican States.

Acceptance of this Privacy Notice implies your express submission to the courts of Monterrey, Nuevo León, for any dispute or claim arising from this Privacy Notice.

Given that I fully know and understand the content, purposes, and scope of this Privacy Notice, I hereby give my express consent for STARBOARD® to carry out the processing, including, where appropriate, the disclosure of my personal data under the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Last updated: November 1, 2019.

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