Cookies policy
Nuestra política de cookies. Información esencial sobre cómo usamos las cookies para mejorar tu experiencia en nuestro sitio. Tu privacidad es importante para nosotros
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Cookies policy

Cookies are data files stored on the hard drive of a user’s computer or electronic communications device when browsing a specific website, allowing the exchange of state information between the site and the user’s browser.

State information may reveal session identifiers, authentication, or user preferences and, in general, helps provide information and services related to user interests.

Cookies will never be associated with any personal data that could identify you, as they are used only for statistical purposes to optimize the user experience on the Website.

The Portal uses “Google Analytics,” a web analytics tool provided by Google, Inc., which allows the collection of information and offers usage statistics of the Website without personally identifying visitors to measure how users interact with the Portal’s content.

We reiterate that cookies do not collect personal information about the Website’s users, and if you wish, you can consult the following link for more information about Google cookies.

To access and/or browse the Portal, cookies must be enabled. However, you can delete them at any time or reject them before their installation by configuring your browser. Nonetheless, blocking cookies in your browser may prevent you from fully using all the Website’s functionalities.

To allow, block, or delete cookies and, in general, to learn how to manage cookies on your device, please visit the help page of the browser installed on your computer for more information:

– Chrome
– Explorer
– Firefox
– Safari

The Website reserves the right to modify this Cookie Policy based on its activities and Portal development, as well as when such modification is necessary due to legislative changes. Any substantial or total changes made will be communicated to you either by posting a notice on the Website or by email to the most recent address we have for you.

We recommend periodically reviewing the updated content of the Cookie Policy available on the website to be aware of any modifications.

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