Amplia trayectoria resolviendo casos legales complejos. Conoce nuestra experiencia en diversas áreas del derecho. Confía en nuestros abogados calificados.
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Financial services

Real estate

Information technology




Private capital

Risk capital

Franchises and retail


Practice areas


We advise companies and our clients in the process of creating, negotiating and managing contracts, always looking out for their interests, in order to achieve the protection of their assets and maximize income.

Some applications:

  • Agreements between shareholders
  • Licensing contracts
  • Supply contracts
  • Co-investment contracts
  • Simple credit contracts and promissory notes
  • Revolving credit contracts
  • Knowledge transfer contracts

Corporate and stock

Our firm stands out for providing our clients with services where we accompany them from the conception of their ideas and projects, aligning shareholders in their interests and always ensuring compliance with the existing legal framework, so that they can concentrate their efforts on creating value to grow their business.cios.

Some applications:

  • Constitution and structuring of companies
  • Corporate secretariat (shareholder meetings and corporate governance)
  • Transformations of societies
  • Project capitalizations
  • Dissolution and liquidation of companies
  • Constitution of stock companies
  • Private equity or debt offerings
  • Creation and raising of funds
  • Investment structuring
  • Divestiture of companies and strategic sales

Banking and financing

Our firm has advised Credit Institutions, Multiple Purpose Financial Companies and private investors by carrying out legal audits to determine the risk of a possible operation and structuring credit operations.

Some applications:

  • Constitution of Financial Companies
  • Financing by issuance of shares, by risk capital, by issuance of debt
  • Direct loans, syndicated loans, structured loans
  • Liability restructuring
  • Administration and payment, asset and guarantee trusts
  • Project financing

Fusions and acquisitions | Strategic Alliances

We have advised buyers and sellers in operations involving private companies in Mexico, as well as in operations involving the purchase or sale of assets, or shares or mergers located in Mexico and abroad.

Our practice has led us to structure different types of transactions (investment or guarantee trusts, purchase and sale of shares) with respect to companies dedicated to different sectors (automotive distributors, steel companies, concession operators, technology distributors, etc.).


Some applications:

  • Fusions and acquisitions
  • Co-investments and strategic alliances
  • Corporate restructurings
  • Negotiated acquisitions
  • Joint Ventures
  • Leveraged buyouts
  • Purchases by management teams

Real estate

The Firm has vast experience in real estate practice. We advise developers and private capital investors regarding real estate projects in our country. 

The Firm has vast experience in real estate practice. We advise developers and private capital investors regarding real estate projects in our country.


Some applications: 

  • Acquisition and sale of real estate
  • Leasing on all types of real estate assets
  • Development, administration and operation of real estate projects
  • Constitution of real estate trusts
  • Investment in trusts

Industrial and intellectual property

In terms of Industrial and Intellectual Property, we have extensive experience in ensuring that our clients’ intangible assets are always protected. We advise and accompany them throughout the process of registration of their brands as well as in the different procedures where protection of property is required.

Some applications:

  • Copyright protection
  • Creation, registration and protection of all types of intellectual property, such as brands, logos, commercial notices, etc.
  • Negotiation of Confidentiality contracts
  • Creation and negotiation of franchise and license contracts
  • Acquisitions and co-investments of industrial and intellectual property
  • Creation and negotiation of technology transfer contracts, technical assistance

Normative compliance

We advise so that business decision-making always follows the legal obligations applicable to each company.

We ensure that our clients are aware of the legal risks in their operation, so that the business is executed in accordance with the law; and not that due to management’s ignorance, they may be operating under legal risk. 


Some applications:

  • We carry out audits in order to know the legal risk situation of our clients
  • We propose correction strategies in risk situations
  • We create procedures to control risks in the operation
  • We collaborate with our clients in creating policies for regulatory compliance
  • We advise boards of directors, their members as well as the committees that support them to have due regulatory compliance in their operation

Electronic commerce

We advise our clients regarding the issues and risks involved in establishing online businesses. We provide legal solutions that translate into business solutions.

In our e-commerce practice, we represent established companies and startups in a wide variety of transactions: from complex e-commerce issues to day-to-day issues that affect everyone on the Internet, including web hosting, technology development agreements, web linking and co-investments.

Some applications:

  • Creation of terms and conditions of the business
  • Establishment of information management policy


We help our clients in managing work permits for their foreign employees as well as registering their companies with the corresponding authority.  


Some applications:

  • Visa processing in Mexico
  • Reports on foreign investment
  • Registration of companies in the National Migration Institute


Our litigation department, external to the firm, protects and advises our clients on various litigation matters, representing both the plaintiff and the defendant. The practice we offer includes: litigation administration, commercial, civil and contract disputes, as well as family and tax matters.


Some applications:

  • We create strategies to protect and defend assets against specific risks
  • We coordinate various specialists to initiate litigation.
    • Trade
    • Fiscal
    • Labor
    • Administrative

Pro bono

Our firm is committed to supporting civil society organizations that have causes that improve our world, our society or human beings with the most valuable thing we have, our time and knowledge, which is why we participate as active members in various Charitable Associations.  

We are an active part of the Club Rotario Monterrey Metropolitano, A.C., a member of Rotary International, from where we channel our participation through grants to support various associations, multiplying the resources generated through financial instruments.

Likewise, we participated in the creation of the Lebanese Association of Nuevo León, A.C., in order to promote culture and values in the society in which we live, and to be able to transcend the culture inherited by our parents.


Some applications:

  • Fund management
  • Legal support for Civil Associations
  • Members of their councils or steering committees

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