Legal warning
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Legal warning


The following legal notice (the “Legal Notice”) is intended to establish and regulate the use and safeguard the data contained on the website: (hereinafter, the “Website”), as well as all pages, sections, and content accessed through the domain, which Bardawil Consultores, S.C. (hereinafter, “STARBOARD®”) has the rights to exploit.

Entire Agreement

This document applies to any person who uses or accesses the Website via computer and/or communication equipment (hereinafter, the “User” or “You”), so if You continue to use the Website, even just to view it, we will understand that you accept this document and agree to be bound by its compliance.

If you do not agree with what is established here, you must refrain from accessing or using the Website.

Informative Nature

All documents, news, files, texts, graphics, service offerings, and any other type of information (collectively, the “Materials”) included in any of the pages and sections of the Website are purely informative and do not constitute advisory means. The Website’s Materials may consist of information from both internal and third-party sources (“Third-Party Content”).

Accessing the Website does not establish any professional, commercial, or other relationship between STARBOARD® and the User. Recommendations and advice obtained through the Website are of a general nature and should not be taken into account when making personal or professional decisions.

Without limitation of the foregoing, STARBOARD® does not guarantee (i) that the results obtained from using the Materials will be effective, accurate, or secure, and (ii) that the quality of the Materials obtained through the Website meets your expectations.

Free Use

The use of the Website will be free, unless otherwise provided. However, some services of the Website will only be available to Users who register on it or in certain geographic areas.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual and industrial property rights over the Materials, design, distribution, and/or presentation of the Website, as well as any trademark, patent, or logo displayed on the Website, belong exclusively to STARBOARD®, which are protected by the current Industrial Property Law and the Federal Copyright Law and any other applicable legislation, whether national or international. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the User does not acquire any intellectual and/or industrial property rights by the mere use or access to the Website, and at no time will such use be considered as authorization or license to use them for purposes other than those contemplated in this Legal Notice.

The User agrees that the provisions set forth in the previous paragraph also apply to third-party rights regarding Third-Party Content presented or linked to the Website.

You agree not to copy, reproduce, publish, transform, collect, download, transmit, modify, rent, lend, sell, transfer, distribute, license or sublicense, forward, and in any way exploit or create any derivative work from the content of this Website and its Materials, except as expressly authorized in this Legal Notice.

Additionally, you agree not to use data extraction systems, robots, or similar methods to illegally extract information from the Website.

If an authorization is expressly granted by STARBOARD® to view, download, or print any of the Materials published on the Website (the “Authorized Content”), it is subject to the following conditions:
– It may only be used for personal information and personal interests.
– It may not be modified or altered in any way.
– It may not be licensed, distributed, sold, or rented.
– You may not modify the copyright or any other rights included in the Authorized Content.

STARBOARD® reserves the right to revoke the authorization to view, download, and print the Authorized Content at any time, and any use being made of it must be immediately suspended upon notification from STARBOARD® on the Website.

It is reiterated that the rights previously specified to view, download, and print the Authorized Content do not apply to the design or presentation of the Website, with the understanding that these elements are legally protected against any copying and/or imitation in whole or in part.


The User is obligated not to use the Website for illegal purposes or purposes contrary to those established herein, which could harm the rights or interests of STARBOARD® or third parties, or that in any way may damage the Website or prevent its proper functioning or that of the Materials that may be offered therein.

While using the Website, You agree not to disturb or interfere with the use of the Website by another user; not to upload, send, propagate, or in any way transmit through the Website any virus or destructive or harmful file; not to create false identities, not to use or attempt to use any third-party account(s), password(s), services, or systems without prior authorization from STARBOARD®; not to access or attempt to access content that you are not authorized to access; not to interrupt, interfere, or in any way harm the security of the Website, Materials, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks connected, affiliated, and/or linked to the Website or those that may be accessed through the Website.

The User will be responsible to STARBOARD® or third parties for any damage and harm that may be caused as a result of misuse.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless STARBOARD®, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, directors, employees, partners, or suppliers, in case of any claim or demand made by third parties, including damages caused by: the content you enter or submit through the Website; the use or connection with the Website; any violation of this agreement; or the violation of the rights of any person or entity.

The use of the Materials will be the sole responsibility of the User, and STARBOARD®️ will not be responsible for errors, technical defects, typographical errors, or omissions that may exist in them, nor for the specific application or use that may be made with them.

Likewise, the User acknowledges that STARBOARD®️ will not be responsible for damage that may be suffered by the computer system when using the Website, the Materials, or any content published on the Website.

The User releases STARBOARD®️ from all liability for possible damages that may result from computer viruses, or other failures in the functioning of the Website caused by external factors and/or damage caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusions beyond STARBOARD®️’s control.

Processing of Personal Data
All the information that STARBOARD®️ collects from the User is treated with absolute confidentiality in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

For more information on the protection of your personal data, please read our Privacy Notice carefully.

STARBOARD®️ reserves the right to deny, restrict, or condition the User’s access to the Website, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, as well as to make any changes to this agreement and any other provision established by STARBOARD®️ on the Website at any time and without prior notice. It is the User’s responsibility to periodically review the Legal Notice on the Website to verify the most updated version.

Applicable Jurisdiction
For the interpretation and fulfillment of this Notice, you agree to freely submit to the legislation of the United Mexican States and to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the City of Monterrey, Nuevo León, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to you by virtue of your present or future domiciles.

Other Provisions
This Legal Notice and any other provision, rule, or license and disclaimers previously established herein as well as on the Website constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the use of the Website. If for any reason the competent jurisdiction determines that any provision contained in the Notice cannot be enforced, the parties agree that except for that provision, the other provisions will remain in effect and fully enforceable between them.

Any omission by STARBOARD®️ to enforce any provision contained or related to this Legal Notice will not constitute a waiver of its right to enforce it subsequently.

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